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Wednesday, 14 October 2015
Sunday, 11 October 2015
Project Management Specialist - Online MBA Certified Program
Project Management Specialist - Online MBA Certified Program
Program Objective:
Project management is the art of managing the project and its deliverables with a view to produce finished products or service. Unless there is a structured and scientific approach to the practice of management, organizations would find themselves adrift in the ocean and hence would be unable to meet the myriad challenges that the modern era throws at them. Hence, organizations must realize the importance of project management & more organizations must take the practice of project management seriously.
Topics Covered:
Project Management overview
Project Management process
Project Initiation
Project Appraisal
Project Financial Analysis
Project Scope Management
Project Scheduling
Project Costs and Control
Project Procurement Management
Project Implementation & Control
Production and Operations Management Specialist - Online MBA Certified Program
Production and Operations Management Specialist - Online MBA Certified Program
Program Objective:
There are compelling reasons for studying production and operations management. One is that 50 percent or more of all jobs are in operations management or related fields. Also, recall the image of a business organization as a car, with operations as its engine. In order for that car to function properly, all of the parts must work together. So, too, all of the parts of a business organization must work together in order for the organization to function successfully.
Topics Covered:
Product and product design
Process selection and design
Capacity design and planning
Facility planning and layout
Forecasting techniques
Managing for quality
Aggregate planning
Supply chain, MRO and operations scheduling
Work analysis and job design
Lean manufacturing
Project management
Supply Chain Management Specialist - Online MBA Certified Program
Supply Chain Management Specialist - Online MBA Certified Program
Program Objective:
Supply Chain Strategies are the critical backbone to Business Organizations today. Effective Market coverage, Availability of Products at locations which hold the key to revenue recognition depends upon the effectiveness of Supply Chain Strategy rolled out.
Topics Covered:
Supply chain structure
Decision environment
Network decisions
Key balancing issues
Tactical planning
Inventory management
Operational aspects
Certificate in Essential Managerial Skills - Online MBA Certified Program
Essential Managerial Skills - Online MBA Certified Program
Program Objective :
Essential Management Skills” will provide you with an excellent foundation in all of the skills and behaviours required to be an outstanding manager. Learn how to be a master communicator and how to get your point across in a clear, concise and positive manner. Learn how to make small talk with strangers, the importance of non-verbal communication and how to influence others to see your point of view so that you sell your idea effectively! Learn what makes people tick and what gets them out of bed in a morning and how to use this to your advantage. Learn how to elicit your staff’s motivations, values and beliefs and how to tailor your communications with them to motivate them to do an outstanding job in all that they do.
Topics Covered:
Strong work ethic
Possitive attitude
Good communication skills
Time management
Problem solving
Team player
Ability to accept and learn from criticism
Flexibility adaptability
Working well under pressure
Work expertise
Managing Finance - Online MBA Certified Program
Managing Finance - Online MBA Certified Program
Program Objective :
It is now generally accepted that managing finance is an important requirement for managers across all business functions. Managing finance will provide the theoretical framework and skills that accountants and financial managers need to cope with an increasingly complex and global accounting environment.
Topics Covered:
Finance for Large Business
The Cost of Finance
The Management of Debtors-Creditors-Stock-Cash and Bank Accounts
Financial Statement
Evaluation of Financial Performance - Profitability & Return of Capital
Analysis of Costs
Factors affecting Pricing Policy
Price Elasticity of Demand & Various approaches to Pricing
Investment & Project Appraisal
Foundations Of Entrepreneurship - Online MBA Certified Program
Foundations Of Entrepreneurship - Online MBA Certified Program
Program Objective :
The purpose of this course is to introduce the students to those basic thoughts, skills, and ideas that are common to new ventures. The course is taught by leading the students through the process of finding and developing an idea and summarizing what they discover and conclude in a "business concept plan." This course will include an introduction to major business concepts, including strategy, finance, and industrial organization. No prior coursework will be required in order to understand the concepts presented in the class.
Topics Covered:
Foundations of entreperneurship
Introduction-foundations of entreperneurship
Business model generation
Bootstrap finance introduction
Financial perspective introduction
Marketing for entrepreneurs overview
Industry analysis - overview
Business plan - overview
Venture capital - overview
Managing growth - outline
Disruptive technologies - overview
Certificate in Business Strategy - Online MBA Certified Program
Certificate in Business Strategy - Online MBA Certified Program
Program Objective :
This course will enable to learn and actively and critically apply business strategy concepts to diagnose, manage, design and change commonly faced challenges by organisations. Concepts of consulting will be also analysed to provide students with a strong understanding of strategic approaches for managing consulting projects and managing clients.
Topics Covered:
Objectives of Business Strategy
The External Environment
Internal Analysis
Strategic Positioning - I
Strategic Positioning - II
The Planning Framework
Different Approaches to Strategic Planning
Strategy Evaluation
Strategy Selection
Managing Projects
Review and Monitoring
Business Law - Online MBA Certified Program
Business Law - Online MBA Certified Program
Program Objective :
This course is designed to provide the student with knowledge of the legal environment in which a consumer operates, to provide the student with knowledge of the legal environment in which a business operates, and to provide the student with knowledge of legal principles.
Topics Covered:
Business and Its Environment
Meaning and Nature of Law
Law of Contract
Contracts of Guarantee and Indemnity
Contracts of Bailment and Pledge
Contracts of Agency
Law of Partnership
Law of Sale of Goods
Law of Negotiable Instruments
The Consumer Protection Act, 1986
The Competition Act, 2002
The Information Technology Act, 2000
The Copyright Act, 1957
Managing the Human Resource in the 21st Century - Online MBA Certified Program
Managing the Human Resource in the 21st Century - Online MBA Certified Program
Program Objective :
This course provides a critical and academic assessment of the Human Resource Management (HRM) approach and its application by employers in the context of significant structural and contextual change in the world of work and employment. Particular attention is paid to understanding issues of responsibility and sustainability in HR management.
Topics Covered:
The Development of HRMHuman Resource Planning
Reward Management
Monitoring and Managing Performance
Exit Rights and Procedures
Perspectives on HRM
Equal Opportunities
Welfare, Health and Safety
International & Cross Cultural HRM
Learning and the organisation
Training and Development
Industrial Relations Process
Social Media Marketing - Online MBA Certified Program
Social Media Marketing - Online MBA Certified Program
Program Objective :
The Certificate in Social Media Management enables professionals tasked with branding, public affairs, marketing communications (internal or external), or community engagement to plan, execute, and assess a comprehensive and effective social media campaign for corporations, government agencies, or non-profit organizations. An integrated and multi-channel social media strategy is now a must-have for organizations seeking to achieve their missions or business objectives, especially since social media is an extension of the most powerful form of marketing: word-of-mouth. As the value of "earned media" - word-of-mouth recommendations from friends, family, and news articles - rises because it is trusted more than "paid media", all organizations,whether mission-driven or profit-driven,must learn to shape the public conversation about their products, services, or missions.
Topics Covered:
Introdution to social media marketing
Introduction to twitter
Introduction to face book
The 11 most common mistakes on social media marketing
Roi of social media
Marketing Management - Online MBA Certified Program
Marketing Management - Online MBA Certified Program
Program Objective :
The main objectives of this course are to improve your ability to:
Assess market opportunities by analyzing customers, competitors, collaborators, context, and the strengths and weaknesses of a company.
Develop effective marketing strategies to achieve organizational objectives.
Design a strategy implementation program to maximize its chance of success.
Communicate and defend your recommendations and critically examine and build upon the recommendations of your classmates both quantitatively and qualitatively.
Topics Covered:
Marketing Management: A Historical PerspectiveCreating and Delivering Customer Value
Marketing Planning
Demand Measurement and Forecasting
Marketing Information System and Marketing Research
The Environment for Marketing Decisions
Indian Marketing Environment
Consumer Behavior
Organizational Buyer Behavior
Market Segmentation ,Targeting and Positioning
The Marketing of Services
Developing Pricing Strategies and Programs
Integrated Marketing Communication
Sales Management
Non-Profit Marketing
Statistical Tools in Decision Making - Online MBA Certified Program
Statistical Tools in Decision Making - Online MBA Certified Program
Program Objective :
The objective of this course is to frame business problems in appropriate statistical terms in order use data to make better decisions. The students will learn to make sense of data along with the basics of statistical inference and regression analysis and their hands-on implementation using software. They will develop critical and integrative thinking in order to communicate the results of the analysis clearly in the context of the problem
Topics Covered:
Revision of Basic Mathematical TechniquesEquattions & Graphs
Data Presentation & Measurement of Location & Dispersion
Frequency Distributions The Normal Curve and Sampling
Decision Making
Linear Programming
Regression and Time Series
Project Management and Network Analysis
Financial Mathematics
International Human Resource Management - Online MBA Certified Program
International Human Resource Management - Online MBA Certified Program
Program Objective :
This course aims to introduce the study and practice of International Human Resource Management (IHRM). HRM has developed from personnel management, but instead of concentrating primarily on the hiring and firing of staff, it is the strategic and coherent approach to the overall management of an organisation’s most valued assets – the people working there who contribute to the objectives of the business. Its main aim is to develop personnel policies that improve employee relations at work. This course will, therefore, begin with an examination of the history and nature of Human Resource Management, before embedding it in its international context.
Topics Covered:
The Everlasting Environment of Intl. HRM
The Organization Context
HRM: Sustaining International Business Operation
Staffing for International Assignments
Expatriate Training and Development
Global Compensation Practices
Repatriation and the career beyond
HRM in the host country
International Practices in Industrial Relations
IR Trends in MNCs
Performance Management
IHRM trends and future Challenges
Quantitative Techniques - Online MBA Certified Program
Quantitative Techniques - Online MBA Certified Program
Program Objective :
This course enables the students to know the scientific approach to decision making when solving business problems. Several methods are introduced in applying mathematics to solve management problems quantitatively. The determination of the most efficient use of limited resources in maximizing some measure of benefits could be solved using the graphical method or algebraic method.
Topics Covered:
Formulation and graphical method
Simplex method
Transportation model
Assignment model
Network analysis pert-cpm
Replacement models
Queuing theory
Game theory
Business Maths & Stats - Online MBA Certified Program
Business Maths & Stats - Online MBA Certified Program
Program Objective :
This course emphasizes performance of common computations found in the various functional areas of business. Students will use graphs, equations, ratio and proportion, percentage, and measurement systems to solve typical business problems such as the calculation of trade and cash discounts, markups, taxes, employee compensation, simple and compound interest, depreciation, inventory valuation, bonds and stocks, basic financial statement analysis, and business statistics.
Topics Covered:
Revision of Basic Mathematical Techniques
Equations & Graphs
Data Presentation & Measurement of Location & Dispersion
Frequency Distributions The Normal Curve and Sampling
Decision Making
Linear Programming
Regression and Time Series
Project Management and Network Analysis
Financial Mathematics
Online MBA Certified Program in Entrepreneurship Development
Online MBA Certified Program in Entrepreneurship Development
Program Objective :
This course inspires entrepreneurial innovation and creativity through interactive lectures, workshops, and case studies in contemporary issues to include energy, life sciences, healthcare, and technology. Students will gain awareness of entrepreneurial innovation sources, structures and dynamics. Students will develop individual and group skills for generating innovative ideas and find ways to apply these ideas to address current issues and problems in different industries and settings.
Topics Covered:
An understanding of the Entrepreneur concept
How to Start an Enterprise
How to Enter the Market
How to be a Successful Entrepreneur
Business Plan
Faculty :
Prof. Anand J
PG in Management. Visiting Faculty at ITM, AMITY, Everonn, IIKM, IMT Ghaziabad
Online MBA Certified Program in Economic Environment in India
Certificate in Economic Environment in India
Program Objective :
The programme aspires to give the participants an insight into the Indian socio-cultural, economical, political and legal environment for doing business in India. The programme focuses on the growth sectors of Indian economy such as software, BPO, bio-technology, contract research and manufacturing. It facilitates the participants to learn about the Indian managers, their ways of being and how to relate with them. The programme also familiarizes participants with challenges of growth in Indian organizations and about the human resource practices in high performing Indian Organisations.
Topics Covered:
Introduction to Business
Economic Environment
New Economic Environment
Political Environment
Legal Environment
The Indian Economy: Sectoral Divisions
The Social Environment
The Technological Environment
The International Environment
International Economic Institutions
Indian Financial System: Commercial & Central Banks
Program Objective :
The programme aspires to give the participants an insight into the Indian socio-cultural, economical, political and legal environment for doing business in India. The programme focuses on the growth sectors of Indian economy such as software, BPO, bio-technology, contract research and manufacturing. It facilitates the participants to learn about the Indian managers, their ways of being and how to relate with them. The programme also familiarizes participants with challenges of growth in Indian organizations and about the human resource practices in high performing Indian Organisations.
Topics Covered:
Introduction to Business
Economic Environment
New Economic Environment
Political Environment
Legal Environment
The Indian Economy: Sectoral Divisions
The Social Environment
The Technological Environment
The International Environment
International Economic Institutions
Indian Financial System: Commercial & Central Banks
Online MBA Certified Program in Organizational Behaviour
Certificate in Organizational Behaviour
Program Objective :
This course introduces the student to multidisciplinary approaches to human behaviour in organizational settings. Attention will be paid to both public and private sector organizations. A variety of issues will be examined from the perspective of the manager as well as those of the worker, the client and the citizen. To provide an overview of the influential theoretical perspectives and research findings in the field of organizational behaviour; To offer a set of conceptual frameworks, methodological approaches, and analytical skills which are useful in increasing our understanding of human behaviour in organizations.
Topics Covered:
Nature and Importance of Organisational Behaviour
The Emerging Challenges
Approaches to Organisational Behaviour
Foundations of Individual Behaviour
Perception and Individual Decision Making
Ethics and social Responsibilities
Values, Attitudes and Job Satisfaction
Learning and Behaviour Modification
Basic Motivation Concepts
Job Design, Employee Participation and Alternative Work Arrangements
Contemporary Issues in Leadership
Foundations of Organisation Structures
Human Resource Policies and Practises
Program Objective :
This course introduces the student to multidisciplinary approaches to human behaviour in organizational settings. Attention will be paid to both public and private sector organizations. A variety of issues will be examined from the perspective of the manager as well as those of the worker, the client and the citizen. To provide an overview of the influential theoretical perspectives and research findings in the field of organizational behaviour; To offer a set of conceptual frameworks, methodological approaches, and analytical skills which are useful in increasing our understanding of human behaviour in organizations.
Topics Covered:
Nature and Importance of Organisational Behaviour
The Emerging Challenges
Approaches to Organisational Behaviour
Foundations of Individual Behaviour
Perception and Individual Decision Making
Ethics and social Responsibilities
Values, Attitudes and Job Satisfaction
Learning and Behaviour Modification
Basic Motivation Concepts
Job Design, Employee Participation and Alternative Work Arrangements
Contemporary Issues in Leadership
Foundations of Organisation Structures
Human Resource Policies and Practises
Online MBA Certified Program in Research Methodology
Certificate in Research Methodology
Program Objective :
This course introduces students to a number of research methods useful for academic and professional investigations of information practices, texts and technologies. By examining the applications, strengths and major criticisms of methodologies drawn from both the qualitative and quantitative traditions, this course permits an understanding of the various decisions and steps involved in crafting (and executing) a research methodology, as well as a critically informed assessment of published research.
Topics Covered:
Research Fundamentals and Terminology
Importance of Research in Management Decisions
Defining Research Problems and Formulation of Hypothesis
Research Design
Methods and Techniques of Data Collection
Sampling and Sampling Distribution
Attitude Measurement and Scales
Data Preparation and Preliminary Analysis
Statistical Analysis and Interpretation of Data: Non -parametic Tests
Multivariate Analysis of Data
Model Building and Decision Making
Statistical Tests in Management Research
Computer Aided Research
Online MBA Certified Program in Management Information Systems
Online MBA Certified Program in Management Information Systems
Program Objective :
The main objective of this course is to provide an overall understanding of the main concepts of information systems, and to highlight the importance of information systems in modern organizations and societies. It covers a range of topics including: Information, data, and system concepts; information requirements in modern organizations and businesses.
Topics Covered:
Overview of Management, Organisation and SystemsManagement Information Systems
Office Automation
Fundamentals of Computers
Prominent Information Systems
Communication Concepts and Networking
Project Planning, Analysis and Design of MIS 290
Database Management
Typical Information Systems
Case Studies
Online MBA Certified Program in Certificate in Economics
Online MBA Certified Program in Certificate in Economics
Program Objective :
This course’s objective is to give insight into how markets function. The decisions made by individual managers and consumers generate the fundamentals of market supply and demand, governing the prices and quantities sold in all economic transactions. As a manager seeking to maximize firm value, understanding your market(s) is crucial to achieving your goals.
Topics Covered:
Introduction to Micro EconomicsDemand and Supply
Market Structures, Cost & Revenues
Credit Creation and the Banking Sector
Financial Institutions
Capital Investments
Macro economics
International Trade
Online MBA Certified Program in Management Principles and Practices
Online MBA Certified Program in Certificate in Management Principles and Practices
Program Objective :
This course provides a basic framework for understanding the role and functions of a manager and to explain the principles, concepts, and techniques that can be used in carrying out these functions. It is intended for those who presently hold, or desire to hold, management responsibilities in any organization or enterprise. Specific topics include planning, decision making, organizing, leading, controlling, and innovating.
Topics Covered:
Conceptual Framework of anagementEvolution and Foundations of Management Theories
Management Planning Process
Organisation: Meaning, Importance, Principles and Types
Types of an Organisation
Organisation Structure and Designs
Types of Authority
Delegation of Authority
Management by Objectives
Dimensions of Managerial Excellence
Online MBA Program in Accounting
Online MBA Program Certificate in Accounting
Program Objective :
This course emphasizes the use of accounting information for internal planning and control purposes. The course is intended as an introduction for individuals who make business decisions and evaluate the performance of business units using data obtained from the accounting system. The course covers the vocabulary and mechanics of cost accounting, basic issues involved in the design of a cost accounting system, and the role of management accounting in decisions concerning resource allocation and performance evaluation.
Topics Covered:
Introduction to AccountsRecording Transactions
Accounting Fundamentals: Ledger Accounts & Double Entry
Preparing P&L Account and Balance Sheet
Fixed Assets
Accrual and Prepayments
Company Accounts
Cash Flow Statements
Interpreting Financial Statements
Online MBA Certified Program in Business Communication
Online MBA Certified Program in Business Communication
Program Objective :
This course will prepare you to write and communicate with grace, verve, and efficiency while managing the demands of the business world. A general knowledge of the basic theories of human communication in rhetorical, group, and interpersonal settings. A basic understanding of the principles and techniques of persuasion in interpersonal, group, and public speaking contexts.
An ability to successfully apply the above knowledge in actual small group, interviewing,
business, public speaking, and interpersonal situations. The ability to write well-worded and
persuasive resumes and other business communication.
Topics Covered:
Nature and Scope of Business CommunicationChannels, Networks, Forms and Dimensions of Communication
Oral and Written Communication
Non- Verbal Communication
Barriers to Communication
Principles of Effective Communication
Gateways to Communication
Media and Modes of Communication
Reading Skills
Listening Skills
Presentation Skills
Public Speaking Skills
Negotiation Skills
Meetings and Conferences
Business Letters
Enquiries and Replies
Orders and Replies
Circulars, Notices and Memos
Report Writing : Business Reports
Academic Report Writing
Get Proper Guideline; Read “The Online MBA Bible” ebook
Get Proper Guideline; Read “The Online MBA Bible” ebook
Confusion! It’s a name of a living octopus that grabs you tightly in a certain time of your educational life. When the nature of job market changes and you discover that your future plan, mind set all are of no use, the whole world seems to be a dark cave! Yes, we are talking to you. You asked for a certainty, so that you could gain your confidence again and set a particular goal. You argued that no degrees or education could give you the certainty of getting an attractive and prestigious job with a handsome salary. You have betted, you need to spend huge time and stay out of job to attain an MBA like degree only which can give you the certainty of luxury in this corporate world. Sorry dear, you are wrong! You are wondering, how are we so confident about it? “The Online MBA Bible” ebook is the one. We know, earning an MBA degree is your dream. But you cannot fulfill this dream as you are bound to continue your job for which you are wasting the talent in vain. “The Online MBA Bible” ebook has all these solutions for you.After entering a normal job, the word “freedom” is vanished from the dictionary of the students. In this crucial situation, earning an MBA degree is out of imagination. They are to spend their working days in respective job places. So, thinking of attaining classes physically is a crime. These obligations, responsibility and need for earning prevent them from obtaining an online MBA, though all know the advantage of this degree. Online MBA is thus called the blessing for these job holders. It is the most flexible way of getting a valuable degree.
Before deciding to start this online MBA program, ask yourself, how much dedicated you can be to earn this very degree. If you do a job and study for the online MBA simultaneously, you are to be skilled in time management. Though you are completely free to study online, but still, a good balance of time can make you more qualified and responsible. You will obviously get huge facilities as you are earning this degree online. “The Online MBA Bible” ebook has described all those so that you can get a sound idea about the online MBA program.
“How can I get help from my teachers and friends when it is necessary?”- it’s totally different from the on-campus MBA program. In an on-campus MBA program you can meet your friends in the canteen or library. You will find your teacher in his room. An online process is a bit different from it. You can communicate your teacher but not face-to-face. You will have his details so that you can take an appointment and meet him. In case of friends, you will have a group and in a particular time, you will discuss the friends of this group. Nevertheless, you can have your friend’s details so that you can call him and solve your problem. There are some rules by which you can keep a good term with your online friends. “The Online MBA Bible” has said it in detail.
It is completely your own decision whether you will earn the MBA degree online or not. Our aim is to make you free from the so called confusions. If you think that an MBA will boost up your career, don’t ignore it. A right decision in right time can take your life to really a right direction. If you can earn this valuable degree keeping all other necessary things undisturbed, then why will you be deprived of it? Without knowing the facilities and values of online MBA, you cannot choose the appropriate way. So, for knowing more, read “The Online MBA Bible” ebook. We are quite sure, with the help of this ebook, you will realize your position and know the details about online MBA program.
It’s Not Still Late; Get “The Online MBA Bible” and increase consciousness
It’s Not Still Late; Get “The Online MBA Bible” and increase consciousness
We have heard many fathers saying, “Your cousin was always first in the exam. He is damn serious with his studies and has got chance in a reputed university. What have you done……….?” This kind of comparison in families is a common picture. A lot of students come to us and say, “My friend is one-generation advanced to me in respect of education” and bla bla bla. So you have lost all your hope and started to suffer in inferiority complexity as you are not as bright as your cousins and friends of your surroundings. Look, it’s not a sin that you have never stood first in the exam. You didn’t turn into a murderer in the eyes of the world for not getting chance in a reputed university.These things really do not at all mean that you are a looser; you are unable to get a prestigious degree or job. It is not mere consolation! There are thousands of options open in front of you that can bring a new morning to your career. “The Online MBA Bible” ebook, for this reason, has taken the responsibility to show you the way how to get success in the most flexible way in business world.
Business and technology are ruling the world at present. Each and every student can feel the necessity for earning an MBA degree. But, it is not possible for all to spend even one month to obtain the degree. “I have to earn my livelihood and it is impossible to start with my education again……”- we really know your bindings and this is why, “The Online MBA Bible” ebook is here to suggest you how to get this degree without hampering your job.
“Is online MBA as prestigious as the on-campus MBA? What do the employers think about it?” We appreciate these questions! Firstly, both are giving you the same degree that is an MBA degree. The difference is that, one is online and the other is on-campus. If you go through “The Online MBA Bible” ebook, you can get an idea about the courses, books etc of online MBA. There is no educational difference between these two; rather online MBA is giving you the opportunity of doing job as well as get a prestigious degree simultaneously. To be frank, an online MBA makes the students more qualified than the on-campus one. If you earn an online MBA and do a job, it proves your versatility and responsibility in various factors at a time. Your leadership, organizing power and management skills get prominence and thus clarify your quality that is required to get a better corporate job.
You are an MBA degree holder; no matter online or on-campus. When you face an interview, the employers never ask you whether you have earned you degree online or on-campus. The method is not a big deal; the fact is that you have earned your MBA degree through a reputed business school. They will check your result, knowledge, smartness, leadership and facts related to their job. So, don’t get stacked with the ancient ideas. Get up and know the new world!
Is this online MBA completely new to you? If you attempt to earn the MBA degree online, then you will surely have to know the ins and outs of it. Why should you earn this degree? Is it really perfect for you? Which school is better? A lot of question like these will arise now. You will search here and there and how much fruitful this searching will be, we doubt! Do you want a complete guideline? “The Online MBA Bible” can really serve you as a Bible in this case.
On the way of life, man sometimes stumbles. He is never a “man” who loses faith after an accident; rather the world worships him who gets up and doubles his enthusiasm and strength to reach the goal. Never ignore the hand that comes to your aid in your bad times. The combination of your strength, enthusiasm and the help will certainly bring you a sunny morning. “The Online MBA Bible” offers its cordial aid to you. Will you reject it?
One Target, One Ebook, Huge Achievement
One Target, One Ebook, Huge Achievement
Once, without lobbing and money, no one could even think of a good job. If you had an influential relative or a huge amount of money, then it was your right to expect the most attractive job of the market. Your talent and education was given little value. That’s why, it caused unemployment problem. But those are fairy tale now. After completing graduation and post graduation, one is staying unemployed for years- it’s absurd! In the same way, earning an MBA degree continuing your job is very natural which has been treated absurd in the past. Yes, the equation is clear. To get an attractive job at present, you will not have to spend money illegally or try any lobbing, rather an MBA degree is quite enough to give you the assurance of a prestigious job. And if you want to earn this degree keeping your job performance intact, then online MBA will be the right choice. The facilities of online MBA cannot be described in one word. For detail discussion, you can go through “The Online MBA Bible” ebook.Our elders often say, the present world know how the talent should be valued. It is so true! The employers do not at all want money or lobbing, rather they expect quality, smartness, proper education and responsibility from the generation. An Online MBA will enable you to develop these qualities altogether. As, most of the students earn this online MBA degree while doing a job, they are able to take more responsibility on their shoulder than any other regular on-campus MBA holders. It is proved that an online MBA holder can maintain the communication more efficiently than others as they are trained to communicate with the people of distant places. You will also get facility in accommodation, expense, food, environment and in many more aspects. “The Online MBA Bible” ebook will describe this sort of facilities in an elaborate way.
You are earning an online MBA sitting in your own house does not mean the value of this degree is less. With the development of internet and technology, you are being able to do the things that you haven’t even thought of doing in the past. The whole world has become smaller for the digitalization. So, you can expect to continue your education online. The courses, books, syllabus all are similar to the regular on-campus MBA no doubt. You need more assurance! Have a glance at “The Online MBA Bible” ebook. Your confidence will be firm.
Don’t bother what all people are saying. Select your goal and find the way how to achieve it. Your focus needs more focus when you decide to do an online MBA. It is good to hear that an online MBA can be earned easily in front of your computer in your bed room. But, in reality, you will have to be more serious in case of online MBA. There are many students who at first make a mind-set to be effortless. But at last they realize, if they would work a bit harder, the result would have been more glorious! As you are doing the job in working days, so you are getting long time at evening which is quite enough to cut a good figure in Online MBA. Utilize this time, you will be the gainer. This online MBA is really offering you a golden opportunity of holding the most prestigious degree of present world. Grab that opportunity, show your talent and ensure the ultimate luxury!
You are fortunate enough that an online MBA program is giving you a chance to prepare yourself according to the demand of the up to date world. The significance of an MBA degree is well known to us. Not only that, we realize the bindings and responsibilities that prevent you from doing an on-campus MBA. Keeping all those things in mind, “The Online MBA Bible” ebook has been designed. If you need any information related to online MBA, just go through the ebook. This ebook will answer all the questions like the giant Genie of Aladin’s lamp. Stay focused always!
Listen to Your Passion, Not Obligation
Listen to Your Passion, Not Obligation
“When I was a child, my aim in life was to be a doctor. My son is grown up now. And his aim in life is to be a banker or corporate job holder…………..!”- Fedrick was laughing while uttering these words. It’s not at all a matter of laugh nowadays. A huge number of young stars are passionate about corporate jobs. They want to prove their smartness, intelligence and responsibility altogether; that’s why, they find a corporate job fit for them. To get the best category job, an MBA is a must. And if you want to earn an MBA degree under a reputed business school, then online MBA is the perfect choice for you. Don’t you believe that? Let’s go through “The Ultimate Online MBA Guide” ebook; you will get all your answers.“Indecision” is the one that pushes you back. Many of you know that an MBA degree is needed to compete in the job market, but cannot decide whether you will do the on-campus program, or online program. It is necessary to say that, the difference between these two types of MBA is little. In an on-campus MBA, you are to attain your MBA classes physically. But in case of an online MBA, you can earn this valuable degree staying at home in front of your personal computer. How? To learn about online MBA program, read “The Ultimate Online MBA Guide” ebook. This ebook is a complete guideline for them who are eager to earn an MBA degree in the most easiest but effective way.
Some students come to us with a big question mark on their face, “If I need help of the teachers outside the regular classes, what I can do? Is it possible to consult him specially? Through online service, is it possible to make friends like the on-campus education?” Communication is a vital aspect to succeed in online MBA. You can easily get help from your professors and group mates. There are some tips about networking in “The Ultimate Online MBA Guide” ebook. These tips will certainly help you to maintain a proper communication with your group mates.
Almost all of you have a wrong idea about the business schools. You think that the top ranked schools are expensive and you cannot afford it. You are living in the world of darkness! “The Ultimate Online MBA Guide” ebook has elaborately described about the top business schools and their expenses. You will get a complete idea about the schools, the educational systems of the schools, expenses and all necessary information in this guideline.
There is no shortcut of being successful. But there is certainly easy and flexible ways by which you can achieve success. Without hardship, you can never attain this valuable degree. You will have to work hard to reach your goal. Don’t be crazy but passionate for obtaining you online MBA degree. “The Ultimate Online MBA Guide” ebook is ready to answer all your queries related to earning your online MBA degree. Take that opportunity, focus on your destiny and you will obviously find the success knocking at your door.
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